умер шут, он воровал минуты
You can waste your precious time
Trying to erase all your thin little crimes
Making no waves, tiny drops in the ocean
Why trade old habits for new found devotions
When you can shed your skin
And slither in with some new friends
Cover your homes
Put a hat on your head
Paint everything blue that used to be red
We'll jump in the river
In the black water brine
Down to some treasure that they left behind
You may get rich
Or maybe you will drown
So let's begin
The question is not if, but when
And let's not pretend to be new men
You can change your shirt
Scrub off the grime and the dirt
Walk by the mirrors, don't look at yourself
And pull all your sinister ways from the shelf
'Cause you did what you did
And you did it so well
Say that you won't, but you'll do it again
They could not trust you before
And they won't trust you now
Oh, they won't trust you now
So go out, repent
Go be sorry now, for your sins
And let's not pretend
Oh, let's not pretend
No, no, no no
Let's not pretend
Oh, let's not pretend
Let's not pretend to be new men
Let's not pretend
Oh, let's not pretend
Let's not pretend to be new men

@темы: lyrics, music box



умер шут, он воровал минуты
Вот про Хиддлстона говорят, что он сидит, как шлюха. А Моррисси сидит...как человек, у которого охуенные длинные ноги и все стулья ему малы .D
Первые две - мой персональный и бесконечный фав. :heart:


@темы: omnomnom, my beloved thief of mind, appreciation

умер шут, он воровал минуты
Touch my mouth and hold my tongue
I'll never be your chosen one
I'll be home safe and tucked away
Well You can't tempt me if I don't see the day

The pull on my flesh was just too strong
Stifled the choice and the air in my lungs
Better not to breathe than to breathe a lie
'Cause when I opened my body I breathe in a lie

I will not speak of your sin
There was a way out for Him
The mirror shows not
Your values are all shot

But oh my heart, was flawed I knew my weakness
So hold my hand consign me not to darkness

So crawl on my belly 'til the sun goes down
I'll never wear your broken crown
I took the road and I fucked it all away
Now in this twilight, how dare you speak of grace

So crawl on my belly 'til the sun goes down
I'll never wear your broken crown
I took the road and I fucked it all away
Now in this twilight, how dare you speak of grace

So crawl on my belly 'til the sun goes down
I'll never wear your broken crown
I can take the road and I can fuck it all away
But in this twilight, our choices seal our fate

@темы: lyrics, music box

умер шут, он воровал минуты
умер шут, он воровал минуты
умер шут, он воровал минуты
Робби Кэй, бегающий по Сторибруку и обнимающий всех подряд - это просто какая-то отдельная загогулина няшности. :heart:

Мои дрессированные аватарки четко знают, когда выпадать .D

@темы: omnomnom, my beloved thief of mind



умер шут, он воровал минуты
Вообще я не мусолю старые рисунки, но этот покоя не давал.
До конца так и не уверена, какой больше нравится. Оба какие-то странные :facepalm:

@темы: red, babes, домашнего приготовления



умер шут, он воровал минуты
AU, в которой Губернатор и Милтон поменялись местами. OuO


@темы: omnomnom, daily survival, my beloved thief of mind, appreciation

умер шут, он воровал минуты
In the southern part of Texas, east and west of El Paso,
Where the mighty Franklin Mountains guard the trail to Mexico.

There's a new made widow cryin' and a hearse a-rollin slow,
And I guess that Devil's passed this way again.

Theres a lathered sorrel stallion runnin through the Joshua Trees,
A young man in the saddle with his coat tails in the breeze.

Got a six gun on his right hip and a rifle at his knee,
And he's dealin in a game that he can't win.


Them fancy clothes you're wearin' and the women in your bed,
Can't take away the faces of the men that you left dead.

As you ride across the badland with a price upon your head,
Now that wheel of fortune starts to turn.

Your reputation's grown till it's the biggest in the land,
And there aint a lot of people left who'd wanna call your hand.

And I guess you'll go down shootin' just like all branded men,
And when you shake hands with the Devil you get burned.

@темы: omnomnom, lyrics, music box, x

умер шут, он воровал минуты
умер шут, он воровал минуты
умер шут, он воровал минуты
We talked about making it.
I'm sorry that you never made it.
And it pains me just to hear you have to say it.
You knew the game and played it, it kills to know that you have been defeated,
I see the wires pulling while you're breathing.
You knew you had a reason,
It killed you like diseases,
I can hear it in your voice while your speaking... you can't be treated.
Mr. know it all, had his reign and his fall,
At least that is what his brain is telling all

If he said help me kill the president,
I'd say he needs medicine,
Sick of screaming let us in,
The wires got the best of him.
All that he invested in, goes
Straight to hell,
Straight to hell.
Straight to hell,
Straight to hell.

He told me I should take it in,
Listen to every word he's speaking,
The wires getting older I can hear the way they're creaking,
As they're holding him,
Well, I could see it in his jaw,
That all he ever wanted was a job,
He tells me to be, raw,
Admits to every little flaw,
That never let him sit upon the top,
Won't tell me to stop,
Thinks that I should be a little cautious.
Well, I can tell the wires pulled


@темы: lyrics, music box

умер шут, он воровал минуты
умер шут, он воровал минуты
умер шут, он воровал минуты
Some people say that I'm a bad guy
They may be right,
They may be wrong
But it's not as if I don't try,
I just mess up
And I go wrong

But I can change, I can change,
I can learn to keep my promises I swear it
Open up my heart and I will dare it
Any minute now I swear I'll share it

Oh it's strange, yes it's strange,
Though I guess it's quite clear,
I killed an antelope and deer,
And there's no home on my range
Yes, I'm a little deranged
But I can change


@темы: omnomnom, lyrics, music box, daily survival


Доступ к записи ограничен

умер шут, он воровал минуты
Закрытая запись, не предназначенная для публичного просмотра


well shit

умер шут, он воровал минуты
вы блядь серьезно? вот этот обсосище - Хэрри Осборн? Да я буквально слышу, как он говорит "Афще-та пфапфа, я уфзе фзнаю каг польфзафатьфся пфрезферфатифчикфами" (это поймет только один человек, но да пох)

Шел бы ты отсюда, петушок.

Извиняюсь, я просто...я не...

@темы: daily survival

умер шут, он воровал минуты

just sayin'

умер шут, он воровал минуты
Я торжественно объявляю "Да на здоровье. Кушай, не обмазайся" самым охуенным ответом на "ну спасибо".

@темы: lyrics, daily survival



умер шут, он воровал минуты

Не могу больше в этом ковыряться.
Может, позже-таки исправлю и фон сделаю, который и планировала изначально, но покамест пшел вон.
ps аватарка доставила. Губер недоумевает. :-D

@темы: red, babes, домашнего приготовления