любимая сцена
Mr. Gold: Good morning Sheriff, sorry if I startled you.
Graham: Sorry. I… I thought you were a wolf.
Mr. Gold: Did I forget to shave?
Graham: What are you doing out here so early?
Mr. Gold: A spot of gardening. Yourself?
Graham: I was look for a-
Mr. Gold: A wolf. Yeah, I believe I'm beginning to catch on. You know to the best of my knowledge there are no wolves in Storybrooke. Not the literal kind anyway. Why are you looking?
Graham: You’ll think I’m crazy.
Mr. Gold: Try me.
Graham: I saw one in my dreams, and then I saw one for real… just a few hours ago. Did you see anything unusual out there?
Mr. Gold: I’m afraid not. I do wish I could be more helpful. You know Sheriff, they say that dreams are memories, memories of another life.
Graham: And what do you believe?
Mr. Gold: I never rule out anything. Good luck Sheriff, I do hope you find what your looking for.