Омг, я боялась, что это слишком хорошо, чтобы быть правдой. Что это фанатские домыслы. А оно, вон оно как...
Моррисси-то уж виднее, почему его персонаж так себя ведет .D Спасибо, сэр.
bast approves: + 100000500000
"He’s trying to find safety, and, of course, he can’t find safety externally in the world of The Walking Dead. He’s got to find it internally. He gets to that point where he realizes that the only way that he can be truly safe and the only way he can make the people around him safe is if he takes control. You know, if you want a job done, do it yourself."
"I think the main thing for me is that you believe that a man who has done terrible things can do good things as well. That you believe that a man who is a killer and a mass murderer can actually turn around and show loving feelings. And anybody who has studied any sort of psychology will tell you that is the truth of real life — that nobody is all good and nobody is all bad. That people do fight the bad sides of themselves and hope that the good sides win and that is a struggle people have in various degrees all the time. Everybody has that struggle. Some people have it more than others and with bigger things at stake. So that’s the thing for me, making sure each turn that the Governor makes is a believable turn and twist, so you don’t just suddenly go, “This is a different man and this is a different character,” but that it is all the same person. And an inner conflict is being registered."
"What Rick feels about the Governor, what Lily feels about the Governor, what Michonne feels about the Governor — they only have that information via certain aspects of the man. The audience has their relationship knowing everything about the man (!) and that’s very important."
| пятница, 29 ноября 2013