умер шут, он воровал минуты

Sit down, sit on the ground
Take off your clothes
And start digging for your soul
Dig deep, dig deeper
Only worms and roots can stop you
from your goal
I´m sick and tired of staring into the wall
I wanna do something fucking special and extraordinary

Put your thoughts in a fucking car
Hit full speed and open your eyes
Don´t close your eyes
There´s a lot of things to do before you die


@темы: lyrics, music box

01.01.2014 в 06:09

Walk little walk, small talk, big thoughts, gonna tell them all just what I want.
Боже, какой текст *_______*
01.01.2014 в 06:16

умер шут, он воровал минуты
угу, мне тоже очень понравился