по шкале от 1 до Карлайла я даю Риддлеру твердое 'ЕЩЕ ОДНА НЕРИСУЕМАЯ РОЖА БЛЕАДЬ' а про рэд - каждый раз, когда не хочу рисовать, рисую ее. лол поэтому ее больше всего.
...A darkness falls over the land Enslaves with a wave of its hand And I try to see The light through the disease I tried to get up on my feet Been so long, shackled down on my knees For somewhere deep inside, I know That fate favors the bold
So tonight, I'm riding a black unicorn Down the side of an erupting volcano And I drink, drink, drink From a chalice filled With the laughter of small children
...When darkness is drowning your soul And makes you feel alone in the cold Find me, and grab ahold This chalice, it overflows
So tonight, you're riding a black unicorn Down the side of an erupting volcano And you drink, drink, drink From a chalice filled With the laughter of small children
Lords of strength and gods of might Hand over the reins Bless our path, that tonight We find the will to break these chains And ride!
So tonight, we're riding our black unicorns Down the side of an erupting volcano And we drink, drink, drink From a chalice filled With the laughter of small children And the blood and tears of our enemies
No matter where you are, you're with me No matter how you feel, i'll feel the same You can count on me, i'll care for you I always be so...
Close to you and you're gonna be So close to me no matter How far you're away from me You'll be right by my side Close to me, So close to me, so close to me So close to me, so close to me
I'll hold you in my arms Won't let you slip away You'll just think of me and i will be Running to you no matter where you are And endlessly i'm gonna be so
А вообще, я даже говниться особо не буду, ибо выглядит вполне себе прилично помимо очевидного. По крайней мере, на фоне остального шлака. Хотя, даже не смотря (и сопстна не собираясь смотреть), вангую, что плагитище страшное. но ладно, актер няша, весь в папок