Walk little walk, small talk, big thoughts, gonna tell them all just what I want.
.... oopsHe was lazily walking through the aisles, leaning on the half-full shopping cart and eyeing the long rows of peanut butter jars (yuck) and jam, when he heard the high-pitched, all too familiar voice right on the other side of the sturdy shelve. — Come on then, dearie, don't be scared. I don't bite. Daryl immediately perked up at the words, head jerking up and eyes narrowing. He better not heard what he thought he just did. — Th'fuck do ya think you are doin'? — asked Daryl in an angry bewilderment as he rounded the isle. There, crouching in front of a small blond boy, was Gold in all of his creepy (fuck anyone who thought otherwise) glory. The pawnbroker turned his head at the appearance of Dixon, hand still outstretched towards the shy child. — Oh, hello, dearie. Did you want something? — Yeah, how 'bout you back the fuck off from the kid? — Daryl's noticed Gold's weird obsession with children, and he'd be lying if he said it didn't freak him out in the least. Made him tense and wary. Whenever he tried to broach the subject, the pawnbroker would always weasel his way out of it, feeding the suspicion that children had some weired value to the man. Maybe he was a fucking serial killer and Dixon didn't even know. Or a pedo. The mere thought made Daryl shudder in disgust. Nah, surely there was another explanation to this. — Well, dearie, you see — this little thing here was left unattended, and that's no way to treat a child, oh no. Don't you agree? — the high pitch was back into Gold's voice, his eyes twinkling with something dark, almost making Daryl think back on his damn theories. Before he could answer the crazed man, a female voice suddenly interrupted their conversation. — Oh, Tommy! There you are! I've been looking all over for you, come here! The little child scrambled to his feet, pushing away from Gold with a startled cry of "Mommy!". As if to prove his point, Daryl stared at his partner. When the mother and the child were out of earshot, the little kid clinging to her skirt like to a lifeline, Dixon gave a low snort. — 'M glad she came when she did. Shit, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that you fuckin' eat them, what's with your obsession and all. Daryl shook his head, kicking the trolley and watching as it travelled in a perfectly straight line right down to Gold, who clutched the handle without even looking at it. — Ah, always an optimist, aren't you, dearie? — Shut up and let's pay fer this shit already. 'M starving, creep.