Как же мне нравится, что, когда очередной интервьюер спрашивает о том, какого это, играть настолько плохого/гадкого/злого персонажа, Моррисси всегда вздыхает и глаза закатывает, буквально на долю секунды. Тип "как же вы заебали". А потом начинает говорить о том, что Губер не плохой, что у него своя мотивация и т.д. Ватрушки кусок. OuO
"The main thing for me is that you believe that a man who has done terrible things can do good things as well. A man who is a killer and a mass murderer can actually turn around and show loving feelings. And anybody who has studied any sort of psychology will tell you that is the truth of real life - that nobody is all good and nobody is all bad."— David Morrissey
♡Crickets are chirpin' the water is high There's a soft cotton dress on the line hangin' dry Window's wide open African trees Bent over backwards in a hurricane breeze Not a word, a goodbye, not even a note She's gone with the man in the long black coat
Somebody seen him hangin' around At the old dance hall on the outskirts of town He looked into her eyes when she stopped him to ask If he wanted to dance he had a face like a mask Somebody said, from the Bible he quote There was dust on the man in the long black coat
Preacher was talkin' there's a sermon he gave He said every man's conscience is vile and depraved You cannot depend on it to be your guide When it's you who must keep it satisfied It ain't easy to swallow, it sticks in the throat She give her heart to the man in the long black coat
♡One, two... There are no mistakes in life some people say It's true sometimes you can see it that way People don't live or die, people just float She give her heart to the man in the long black coat
There's smoke on the water, it's been there since June Tree trunks uprooted in the high crescent moon Hear the pulse and vibrations and the rumblin' force Somebody's out there beating on a dead horse
She never said nothin', there was nothin' she wrote She's gone with the man in the long black coat
She hates the world today I'm so good to her She knows but she can't change Tried to tell me But I look at hey like maybe She's an angel underneath Innocent and sweet Yesterday she cried I've been so relieved to see The softer side She can understand how I am so confused She doesn't envy me She's a little bit of everything All rolled into one
She's a bitch, she's a lover She's a child, she's a mother She's a sinner, she's a saint She doesn't feel ashamed She's my hell, she's my dream She's nothing in between I know I wouldn't want it any other way
...She said: So take me as I am This may mean You'll have to be a stronger man Rest assured that When I start to make you nervous And I'm going to extremes Tomorrow I will change And today won't mean a thing
She's a bitch, she's a lover She's a child, she's a mother She's a sinner, she's a saint She doesn't feel ashamed She's my hell, she's my dream She's nothing in between I know I wouldn't want it any other way
Just when I think, I got her figured out The season's already changing She thinks it's cool, I do what I do And don't try to save her
She's a bitch, she's a tease She's a goddess on her knees When I hurt, when I suffer She's my angel undercover She's been numb, She's revived She's the devil in disguise I know I wouldn't want it any other way
She's a bitch, she's a lover She's a child, she's a mother She's a sinner, she's a saint She doesn't feel ashamed She's my hell, she's my dream She's nothing in between I know I wouldn't want it any other way
Strangers in the night exchanging glances Wond'ring in the night What were the chances we'd be sharing love Before the night was through.
Something in your eyes was so inviting, Something in you smile was so exciting, Something in my heart, Told me I must have you.
...Strangers in the night, two lonely people We were strangers in the night Up to the moment When we said our first hello. Little did we know Love was just a glance away, A warm embracing dance away and -
Ever since that night we've been together. Lovers at first sight, in love forever. It turned out so right, For strangers in the night.
And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder: One of the four beasts saying: "Come and see." And I saw. And behold, a white horse.
There's a man goin' 'round takin' names. An' he decides who to free and who to blame. Everybody won't be treated all the same. There'll be a golden ladder reaching down. When the man comes around.
The hairs on your arm will stand up. At the terror in each sip and in each sup. For you partake of that last offered cup, Or disappear into the potter's ground. When the man comes around.
...Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers. One hundred million angels singin'. Multitudes are marching to the big kettle drum. Voices callin', voices cryin'. Some are born an' some are dyin'. It's Alpha's and Omega's Kingdom come.
And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree. The virgins are all trimming their wicks. The whirlwind is in the thorn tree. It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
Till Armageddon, no Shalam, no Shalom. Then the father hen will call his chickens home. The wise men will bow down before the throne. And at his feet they'll cast their golden crown. When the man comes around.
Whoever is unjust, let him be unjust still. Whoever is righteous, let him be righteous still. Whoever is filthy, let him be filthy still. Listen to the words long written down, When the man comes around.
Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers. One hundred million angels singin'. Multitudes are marchin' to the big kettle drum. Voices callin', voices cryin'. Some are born an' some are dyin'. It's Alpha's and Omega's Kingdom come.
And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree. The virgins are all trimming their wicks. The whirlwind is in the thorn tree. It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
In measured hundredweight and penny pound. When the man comes around.
And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts, And I looked and behold: a pale horse. And his name, that sat on him, was Death. And Hell followed with him.
It kills me not to know this But I've all but just forgotten What the color of her eyes was And her scars or how she got them, As the telling signs of age rain down A single tear is dropping Through the valleys of an aging face That this world has forgotten...
There is no reconciliation That will put me in my place And there is no time like the present To drink These draining seconds, But seldom do these words ring true When I'm constantly failing you, Like walls that we just can't Break through until we disappear
классика! ◕‿◕✿[Chorus:] So tell me now: if this ain't love Then how do we get out? Because I don't know... That's when she said: "I don't hate you, boy, I just want to save you while There's still something left to save" That's when I told her: "I love you, girl, But I'm not the answer For the questions that you still have"
But the day pressed on Like crushing weights, For no man does it ever wait Like memories of dying days That deafen us like hurricanes. Bathed in flames we Held the brand, Uncurled the fingers in your hand, Pressed into the flesh like sand... Now do you understand?
1000 miles away, There's nothing left to say But so much left that I don't know. We never had a choice, This world is too much noise, It takes me under It takes me under once again...
[Chorus:] So tell me now: if this ain't love Then how do we get out? Because I don't know... That's when she said: "I don't hate you, boy, I just want to save you while There's still something left to save" That's when I told her: "I love you, girl, But I'm not the answer For the questions that you still have"
скайрим, квест ГВ. я уже видела штуки 3 таких же рисунков в сети, авторы которых срутся друг с другом, кто первый нарисовал. хотя на самом-то деле, это настолько очевидный момент для фанарта (ибо большая часть квестов ГВ в скайрим - уг полное), что даже глупо заикаться о "воровстве идеи"
+5это должен был быть рисунок на тему "самоубийство", из тех 30 тем, которые я так и не закончила. связано с тем, что в МЕ мп я однажды, играя солдатом (Катюша ее зовут) и убегая от одной твари, влетела в двух других, которые, сопстно, тут же и растоптали. история запомнила этот момент строчкой "talliar совершает самоубийство"
всяко. Даниэль, Гоуст (Уилльям Росс), Баст, нарисованная только ради идеи этого шмота. самый последний - рисунок к моей истории про охотников на драконов. она тоже форева анфинишед, так уж сложилось