Ну вот же ж ну вот же подонки Сколько еще выпусков новостей, прогнозов погоды, песен (хотя и неплохих) и рэндомных фактов мне надо прослушать? Ну пооожааалууууйстааааа
слушать 3 часа финансовые новости, кэтти пэри и бионсе (брррр) ради 3-х минут интервью. TOTALLY WORTH IT .D
Окей, речь Шерлока на свадьбе очаровательна .D И пьяная дедукция...как мое трезвое состояние по жизни. Да и вся серия как-то поживее была, на мой взгляд, много ближе к духу первых сезонов. Ибо было расследование, рассуждения, обоснуй. Словом, все то, чем так полюбились первые части. И вот на ТАКОМ фоне выебон Шерлока выглядит уместно.
Спойлерок алерт. Хотя у меня было ужасное впечатление "где же я это уже видел?". И в итоге вспомнил - вроде в "Обмани меня", когда тоже на свадьбе убийцу ловили, концовка была схожей. Чувство это возникло не из-за сюжета, а из-за одной лишь фразы "Кого нет ни на одной фотографии?", ибо там вот именно эта фраза была, слово в слово.
...Let's start something Right here You and me In yer little bedroom
Let's start something You and me Right here In yer little bedroom
You don't have to answer the questions that I ask You don't have to answer the questions that I ask I can't be this impressed by just a body and a mind I can't be this impressed by just a body and a mind
Repeat some words, some things just don't get through In yer little bedroom Your eyes and your mouth Some things just don't get through In yer little bedroom
...You don't have to answer the questions that I ask I can't be this impressed by just a body and a mind I can't be this impressed by just a body and a mind
уже в процессе перерисовки (ну, в смысле, полной), просто жалко было - столько возни все же когда-нибудь я уже научусь рисовать эти гребанные лица или где? -__-
...Caught out running With just a little too much to hide Maybe baby Everything's gonna work out fine Please read the letter I pinned it to your door It's crazy how it all turned out We needed so much more
Too late, too late A fool could read the signs Maybe baby You'd better check between the lines Please read the letter, I Wrote it in my sleep With help and consultation from The angels of the deep
Once I stood beside a well of many words My house was full of rings and Charms and pretty birds Please understand me, my Walls come falling down There's nothing here that's left for you But check with lost and found
Please read the letter that I wrote Please read the letter that I wrote
One more song just before we go Remember baby All the things We used to know Please read my letter And promise you'll keep The secrets and the memories and Cherish in the deep
Please read the letter that I wrote Please read the letter that I wrote Please read the letter that I wrote
Please read the letter that I wrote Please read the letter that I wrote Please read the letter that I wrote
Честно говоря, я не собиралась смотреть сегодня Шерлока. Не из-за каких-то принципов, или чего-то такого, просто я вообще предпочитаю по телеку не смотреть. Но так сложилось, что раз уж показывали, то почему бы и нет. Тем более, ШХ BBC - пожалуй, единственный сериал, который я спокойно смотрю в русской озвучке.
Могу сказать, что жутко заебали гейские мотивы у них. Понимаю, что фансервис и все дела, ладно. И когда это одна-две шутки, то забавно, но когда это просто красной нитью идет из серии в серию, как-то надоедает. Уже все поняли, спасибо, а-ха-ха, Джон Ватсон - гей, ах-ха-ха, можете уже что-нибудь еще рассказать?
И то, что сделали с Андерсоном...мне одной было совсем не смешно? То есть, единственного персонажа, который не фанател с ШХ, решили сделать...фанатом-дебилом? Причем, не знаю, но я в этом фан-кружке увидела отголосок к реальным фанатам, ведь они точно так же строили домыслы и версии относительно того, как он выжил. И честно? Не знаю, может, это я, но мне это совсем не понравилось. Опять-таки, не увидела в этом ничего смешного.
Насчет сюжета самого...честно говоря, неприятное чувство, что создатели попытались прыгнуть через голову, но были слишком заняты написанием гейских шуток, поэтому так и не смогли завернуть эпичный крендель. Серьезно, неужели кто-то поверил в сопли Шерлока в конце, ну правда? Неужели кто-то, кто хоть немного знаком с серией и тамошним образом Шерлока, поверил, что он вот так сядет на пол и будет сопли по кулакам мотать? Поэтому для меня лично концовка была...ну, эгм. Хотя чего там, не только концовка, откровенно говоря.
Но, вот чего не отнять у этих серий, так это стиля и красоты. Чисто визуально, это смотреть всегда в удовольствие. И, само собой, музыка - люблю безумно главную тему.
...Time, pass by, as I´m laying in My bed beneath the sky Cause when there is So many things That you really wanna do before you die Then you want everything to match Before you die
In my head there´s many friends But I won´t love them For what they really are You´re scared, oh you´re so scared Yeah you´re scared when you know They´ve travelled far But I know you love to see them travel far I can see it in your eyes
Put your thoughts in a fucking car Hit full speed and open your eyes Don´t close your eyes There´s a lot of things to do before you die
Sit down, sit on the ground Take off your clothes And start digging for your soul Dig deep, dig deeper Only worms and roots can stop you from your goal I´m sick and tired of staring into the wall I wanna do something fucking special and extraordinary
Put your thoughts in a fucking car Hit full speed and open your eyes Don´t close your eyes There´s a lot of things to do before you die
...Sit down, sit on the ground Take off your clothes And start digging for your soul Dig deep, dig deeper Only worms and roots can stop you From your goal There´s a lot of things to do before you die
ПСТО СВЕТА И ЛЮБВИ КАМРАДАМ! X-mas/New Year 2013/14!
Дорогие мои и любимые... С Новым Годом!
Title: Don't Ever Do That Author:Zane Z. Garrett Length: 1,156 words Fandom: Philip Blake/OC Characters: Philip Blake (The Governor), Averes (OC) Category: het Genre: hurt-comfort, casual Rating: PG-13 Summary: Three small scenes scattered across the timeline of their relationship. Notes: For heriot. Надеюсь, что Единорожка не проткнёт меня за это рогом, потому что я честно старался, нооо.... Х))))
читать дальшеShe watched the logs being eaten by the fire, long, hot redorange tongues licking up the rough bark and savouring every piece like it was the last meal. And probably it was, for a while. Tomorrow they were supposed to reach their destination, a small deserted -like every other one- town by one name or the other. She was too tired to care and dig through her memory. Her body ached from a long day of walking and sharp, burning cramps punched her empty stomach from the inside out, making the muscles tense and become a solid wall against the onslaught of pain. God damn but was she hungry. Averes kept staring into the fire as another log was thrown into the merry little pit and a tall figure settled on the cold ground opposite her. "Took you long enough" she wasn't complaining, just stating the obvious. "Well, I took a chance to have a quick look around. You never know what the woods might bring..." Philip's strange, almost teasing tone drew her attention from the bright sparks of flame to his eyes, although it was hard to see them in the wild darkness of the night. The fire didn't make it easier, if anything, it just distorted everything, making Philip's emotionless grey-blues a deep, endless black of the bottom of the ocean. "Well?" Averes quirked an eyebrow in impatience, giving The Governor five more seconds to start speaking before she got over to his side to check what this was about. Philip took the time to rummage through what she made out to be a bag, digging out a dented can. "Beans" it wasn't a question, her voice flat and almost surprised, unwilling to trust her sight. "Yep, the finest from camp-gourmet," Blake joked, shaking the can a little. The auburn haired woman could feel her stomach cramp up again, letting out a low, deep gurgle of needwant for food. She could feel her cheeks tinting pink from embarrassment. "Someone's really hungry." Averes huffed in annoyance and held out her hand, "Give me." There was a second's contemplation on whether to oblige the woman's request reflected on The Governor's face, but then, with a barely audible sigh, he reached over, letting the can fall into Averes' open palm. He watched as she silently set to work, pulling a knife tucked snugly behind her calf and harshly driving the tip into the tin lid. There were no questions asked as to where he got it, what he had to do. Really, it wasn't all that bad — he was lucky enough to stumble across an abandoned camp composed of an old, torn dirty tent and the ashes left from where the fire pit used to be. He had no idea what had happened to the stupid bastards, but he gave a mental salute to whatever left the only can intact. "You aren't going to warm that up?" he inquired, tangling his fingers together, elbows resting on his knees. "Nope," came the curt reply as Averes bit her tongue in concentration, the pink tip sticking out from the corner of her mouth as her brows furrowed. Philip chuckled, shaking his head and ignoring his own hunger in favour of watching the woman eat. When she pushed the half-empty can into his chest, briskly walking past him in the direction of the woods, Philip stared at the remains of white-beans and slush for a good minute before finally digging in. He still couldn't get used to unconditional kindness coming from this strange woman who once sauntered into his life. *** "Av? Av, are you here?!" Philip's booming voice preceded the loud bang of the kicked-in door by mere seconds. He didn't give two damns about the noise, the only thought running through his head 'is she safe? Is she hurt? Is she bitten?'. A humongous relieved sigh escaped his lips as his single eye caught sight of the auburn-haired woman, his white-knuckled hand clutching the gun shaking with unspent adrenaline as reality finally settled in. There she was, in the corner of the wide room, clutching her pistol with one hand and pushing the hair out of her face with the other, four dead rotting bodies lying on the wooden, blood-smeared floor. She lifted her doe-like eyes to him, and Philip -Brian- just stood there, heart thumping so loud in his ears he'd gone deaf. Averes' chest was heaving, ribcage moving in sharp jerks together with shoulders, jaw set and cold determination burning in her eyes. A lifeless passion that tainted her clothes in muck and geek-blood. It was the first time he'd seen her after a solitary fight. *** "Don't move, you stupid fuck," her voice was stern yet shaking as her deft hands dressed his injured side. He couldn't help but chuckle, looking at the bright blue sky and stoically enduring the sharp pulls and tugs on his wound. "I told you to wait for me, you bigoted idiot." Averes's voice was hoarse, and he could hear suspicious little sniff masked by angry growls and especially hard yanks on the makeshift bandages. She was seething with worry, and he knew he had cut her deeply by going there on his own. "I'm fine though, ain't I?" it sounded airy and stupidly out of place even to his own ears. So when no reply came, Philip did the only thing he could. He blindly reached his hands out, clasping the woman by the shoulders, and pulled her down on top of him, not caring about his injured side or the knife she was still clutching in her fingers, using it to cut the cloth into strips of acceptable length. The Governor choked down a wheeze threatening to escape his mouth as the firm weight of another's body crushed him to the ground and stilled. It was the shocked quiet before the storm. Then, without any warning, Averes' knife was thrown to the side, her long, pale fingers clutching at the collar of his shirt with expected strength. "Don't you ever do that again," she was looking him straight in the eye, a desperation running so deep he felt the slightest pang of guilt before it was quickly washed over by the warmth of something wet landing on his cheek, making his mouth twitch upwards. She stubbornly continued to glare even as another wet trail ran down her chin, forming a fat, unsteady droplet ready to fall and shatter against his skin. Oh, she was absolutely beautiful, breathtaking when her heart mixed with her fury. Without much thinking, he grasped her face in his hands and pulled Averes down. The acidic bite of pain from the tended wound was just a bittersweet undertone compared to the sensation of her chapped, warm lips fiercely pressing back against his own. She knew he'd do it again in a heartbeat, just to keep her safe. He knew that she'd do the same for him.